Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Ultrasound #2

This morning I had a follow up ultrasound since the technition couldn't get a good view of the heart last time.  I was excited to see how the little guy was looking a month later...well, I am happy but not surprised to report that there is indeed a heart in there complete with the four necessary chambers!  I wasn't too worried since we have heard the heartbeat at each appointment but it was still good to see.  It is the strangest thing to see the baby moving around in there...oh, and it is still clearly a false alarms in that area...pending any issues the next appointment will be in 6 weeks and will entail an all morning glucose tolerance test to screen for gestational diabetes complete with fasting for 12 hours and guzzling some sort of nasty concoction full of sugar!  I have heard from other women that this test is not the highlight of anyone's prenatal care experience...I am dreading the fasting the most. 

The ultrasound technition printed a few pictures in addition to the set we received a month ago.  It seems that every hospital but ours has some sort of digital version but we just got prints (instantly made but still not as good as a digital copy!) so I thought I would scan them.  Well...I am distressed to report that something is not right with my scanner...the scans look like this...

I don't know what this is about and it has me worried...a few months ago I scanned and printed a few pictures for Justin and it worked fine and that was the last time I used it.  At first I thought there was something about the ultrasound prints that were unscannable but I tried a normal photo as well and the same thing happened...sigh...technical difficulties can suck hours of time before you know it...I have to leave soon so I am hoping that the sometime effective "turn if off and don't use it for awhile" trick will work.  It has worked for my sewing machine and ipod before!

Anyway, I resorted to the very advanced method of taking a photo of the photo with my phone and sending it to my computer...

Hello baby!  I have the cute feet shots as well but those photos are in Fargo right now.

Allan is fine.  I was putting away a few two piece swimming suits (hopefully just for the winter and not forever!) in a plastic under bed storage container.  This particular container is stuffed full of swimwear, ski socks, long johns and other seasonal items and the lid pops off easily.  I was confused when I reached under to grab it and saw that clothes were spread out around it.  The lid was off and there was a flattened area in there like it would look if a kitten had been sleeping in there...what a brat!

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