Thursday, December 22, 2011

Merry Christmas Everyone

I probably won't be on here until Christmas has passed so I thought I better make a quick post tonight before the fun and madness starts!  I wish I had some introspective thoughts or something but I'm just not feeling it tonight...there has been too much craziness lately because not only is it Christmas but tomorrow is my last day at work and I have been trying to pack not only for the weekend but also trying to pack up a year's worth of crap in my room!  It's not even close to cleared out...

I have had the opportunity to watch "Christmas Vacation" tonight!  First we watched the dvd and now it happens to be on TV!  Also, our planning for the NDSU game is complete and I will be visiting Texas the weekend of the 7th!  And yes, I asked the doctor and she said it was safe for me to fly at my appointment last week...this is how I discovered that she is a Bison fan and NDSU alumnae as well!  Yeaahhhh!

Have a great weekend everyone!

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