Thursday, October 4, 2012

Well, The House is Already Trashed Anyway...

I knew he was getting close to doing this because he has kind of been clawing at the couch and my legs and anything else that gets in the way and also "standing" on his knees, but I ever guessed that my kid's first time pulling up and standing on his own would be on a tower of twelve packs of Coke products that were on sale (3 for $9.00! YEaahhh!) at Target that day.  I'm so proud!  Good job little guy! 
I was looking forward to watching the Presidential debate last night and I thought it would be a good idea to watch the debate in the basement since it doesn't have commercials the way regular TV does so DVR wasn't an issue and also the basement is less cluttered and free (I thought, anyway) of temptations for a curious baby.  Well, I was wrong. 
He was immediately drawn to this basket of magazines and also tried to demonstrate the new standing skill again (and ended up draped over a basket of magazines!)
I had to move this ottoman in front of the TV control boxes because he kept playing with the knobs...
OOooh....what is this?!  Time to get out the baby proofing kit that we got as a gift!
I didn't hear a word of the debate because he was yelling while doing all of these things.  Sigh...I love watching the debates.  At least there will be more of them...
I was also proud this morning when Ben was over digging in the DVD storage area (the rack is full and some of the bigger TV show sets are stacked on the floor next to it.)
He toppled over (don't was minor) while trying to get this Homer shaped Simpsons season!  Good taste in TV already!  I'm sure he really likes the had nothing to do with the bright yellow case or anything...
I really am annoyed by having to "baby proof"...I was looking at old pictures from two years ago to find a picture of a quilt I made and the house looked so beautiful and serene and tasteful!  I have tried to maintain the original look and just added all the baby crap to the mix with the knowledge that it will all be outgrown in a few months and replaced with toys that can be put away but now some of my favorite things have to be moved and I don't want to move them!  I like plants and my wine rack and stacks of magazines on the floor!  By the way, stacks of anything on the floor is really bad if you follow Feng Shui design principles...which I don't...mostly because it would require not having 4,000 picture frames and magazines and pairs of shoes piled everywhere.  Why can't he just leave the wine alone!?  I would drink it and be done with it except I can't be chugging a bottle of wine every night with a baby in the house!  And the damn computer cord...get over it already!  Now that I have a new one he wants nothing to do with the old one...he only wants the new does he know?! 
OK, enough venting...I am glad that he is curious and wants to explore the world even if it at the expense of me getting to enjoy house plants...

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