Tuesday, July 27, 2010

New Couch!

This week, we have been preparing to finally finish the basement! Justin painted the large family room down there during wintertime. All that was missing was carpet and furniture.
Yesterday evening, we went to a few stores and brought home a few carpet samples. Then we went to a furniture store. Justin had been looking at a specific sectional at this store, so he showed it to me and I agreed that it was a good choice.

I don't really like shopping for furniture. Of course, I love new furniture and shopping in general. I just get the feeling that the whole industry is a huge racket. Everything is always marked on sale, and they are always telling you the price listed is "only good" for another week, or another few days. My beliefs were reinforced on this purchase because the original couch was found in the clearance store attached to the real store. We decided to enter through the main entrance and take a walk around the regular store. Surprisingly, the same couch was on the main floor at the same price! And they had several in stock and could order more in different colors. That doesn't sound like clearance to me!
I'm glad we found it in the main store, however, because the salesman (if I could call him a man. . .he was more like a immature teenager) was actually pretty inappropriate the first time we shopped! He seemed OK, but when we were getting ready to leave, he said to Justin, while gesturing toward me, "Be careful when you bring her in the sun. She'll melt!" He gave a weird look, and so did I, and he said, "you know, because she's a ginger." If you are unaware, that is a teasing reference to someone with red hair. However, it is usually reserved for banter between good friends, and none of my friends call me that. Then, not catching our discomfort, this fool proceeded to start talking about his friend with red hair who got really sunburned at the state fair because she didn't wear sunscreen. He started talking about how he didn't have to worry about that because "I actually have pigment in my skin!" Justin and I got out of there pretty fast after that. I couldn't believe that happened. What kind of salesperson on commission does that?? Can you imagine if you were buying something and the salesperson said, "Oh, well, you better not have sugar in your coffee, since you are pretty fat." or " Wow, you need a dye job, I can see your roots," or "those clothes are not flattering," Even more annoying was the fact that this guy was overweight and paunchy and looked like his hobbies include World of Warcraft and Halo and not anyone I would find attractive. Well, I'm sure his girlfriend, who he mentioned repeatedly, has golden skin filled with pigment and perfect blonde hair.
Anyway, I was hoping he wouldn't be there tonight, but we didn't have to worry because another salesman intercepted us in the main store and got the sale. I could see Captain Inappropriate sitting in the clearance section. His stupid comments lost his sale! Ha!
I was reminded by this episode that I have had a bad experience with a furniture salesman in the past. When I was getting ready to move to law school I needed a new bed because I had lived in dorms and at KD all through college so Justin and I went to look at a store in Fargo. I told the salesman what I was looking for and law school came up. He said, "I had a friend who was going to go to law school. . .he decided to become a minister instead! Talk about complete opposite ends of the moral spectrum!" I was like "Uhhh, OK, BYE!" What an a$$. Everyone knows that all clergy members are not even close to moral and not all lawyers are crooked. It recently came to light that a minister from my youth was cheating on his wife with a prostitute who tried to extort him and might possibly have been pregnant with his child. Yeah, most of my law friends do that. . .or not. And I won't even get into the whole child abuse by priests thing. And even if he thought it, it probably wasn't the best thing to say to a potential customer! That store was already going out of business when we were shopping, and I guess I know why.
Anyway, the carpet and sectional are ordered! It should all be done within a few weeks!

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