Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Katie and Adam's Wedding 3-27-2010

Oh, I had a lovely weekend. . .my cousin Katie got married to Adam and it was a blast! From Friday morning through Sunday night we had nothing but fun! Hungover, chaotic fun but still fun! I don't really know what to write about (believe it or not!) because I can't really focus so I am just going to post some of my favorite pictures from the weekend and write some commentary. Some of these were taken by me and some by my cousin and aunt. When the real ones from the photographer come maybe I will refer back to this weekend.

On Friday afternoon us ladies went get pedicures and manicures (I just got a pedicure). This is a rare indulgence for me so I gladly joined the fun. That is me and my pal Kate. She was my personal attendant in my wedding! If you look beyond that screen and the end of the row, you might see what looks like cash registers. That is because we were in the nail salon in Walmart! Hahaha! It was actually not a bad place.

I love this photo. My aunt turned and snapped it as we were walking to the rehearsal dinner. Katie is leading the way followed by Bree, her lontime roommate and bridesmaid, and myself.

That is me with my mom and my aunt at Chubs Pub. Strangely, we all wore leopard print cardigans without any prior discussion or plan. I guess they just have good taste!

Aww, me and the bride! That is the groom giving us the side eye on the left!

Here is Katie, being entertained by girlish nonsense, before the ceremony when everyone was being seated upstairs.

We have been tight with these cousins (Katie and Brenna) since my earliest memories. It is probably because our moms are sisters and have a high level of familial entanglement that has continued with us. Also, we went on many family vacations (Big Sky!) when we were growing up and all have the shared experience of attending NDSU. We all know each other's business and if one of us tells another anything the others will all know in no time.

There are the "mothers" (my mom, my aunt Kris, the mother of the bride, and my aunt Jenny). They are standing with their mother. The photographer took one of Andrea, Katie, Brenna, and I (sorry Pete! You're the odd boy out, as usual!) so hopefully it turns out. The candid I have isn't very good. Also, I should mention that I have two younger girl cousins and one younger boy cousin who were not present.

There is Justin and I! It is one of the only. . .or the ONLY. . .picture of just the two of us from the weekend. I'm glad I insisted that we take it!

Oh, there is the beautiful bride! Such a patriotic shot. . .She is wearing my moms pearls that came from the Persian Gulf or the Red Sea (can't remember which.)

There is the whole wedding party! (Not bad for a candid!) I love the flowers and dresses!

The new Mrs. Riesen ready to bar hop and head to her party! Her dress was beautiful.

Very cute picture!

The party bus stopped at the Turf and the wedding party had the chance to take a few pictures at the gate of NDSU! It was a nice day but colder than it appears!

This is a great picture that I think looks professional! I believe Brenna took it, however!

The dance was a blast and there were friends and relatives to see everywhere I turned. I hardly slept all weekend and on Monday at work I had a rare problem of almost falling asleep at my computer (that never happens to me!) and I had to resort to drinking a nasty 16 oz. energy drink from the vending machine that had 60 grams of sugar and 80 mg. of caffeine and who knows what else contained in its jittery logo decorated can. It was all worth it! I can't wait for the next wedding (Laura, on May 1st)!

The only downfall of the weekend is that Katie is moving to Northern Minnesota to join Adam. Fargo seems strange without her around. She used to work at West Acres Mall and it will be strange going there without thinking "I'm going to stop and see Katie!" It would be we fun if we could all live in the same town but chances are it won't happen. . .at least we are all in the same "region" unlike my mom and her siblings.

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