Sunday, April 18, 2010

It's Like Being Back at AGR. . .

Justin spent all day yesterday doing all sorts of nonsense in the garage. At one point, I saw him building this shelf. It looks like the lofts the guys at AGR used to build to make more space in their rooms! I always thought they looked pretty terrifying! At least this one only has to hold ice fishing equimpent and not a person's bed.

On another topic, Allan is really cute. I have been fussing over him all weekend. Here are a few photos. Try not to swoon, everyone! Haha, that was a joke, by the way. He is as cute as any other cat I guess!

He is so relaxed!

He has gained some weight since I last saw him three weeks ago. In this photo he is sitting with me and his abdominal area has definitely expanded. He has become a fiend for cat treats and charges into the kitchen when he hears his drawer opening!
I bought a case of soda this weekend and discarded the box on the kitchen floor to be addressed later. That's just my style! Al claimed it as his own and has been playing with it and hiding in it all weekend. Cheap thrills!

Oh, he is so vigilant!

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