Friday, April 20, 2018

The Milestones Keep Coming

Does everyone remember when they lost their first tooth? I was in Kindergarten in Wyoming and it happened in the middle of the school day.  I was pretty young and apparently I was one of the first kids in the class to lose a tooth (redshirting wasn't really a thing yet back then except for the boys with the latest summer birthdays) because everyone really got excited.  I didn't really understand what was going on because losing teeth wasn't really the talk of the class yet so my mom was even surprised when I got home. I hadn't mentioned that it was loose.

Times have changed and kids in Ben's preschool class were losing teeth already last year.  He has had a few "wishful thinking" loose teeth that weren't actually loose but he was still waiting.  On Wednesday he came home from school with an actual loose tooth.  He said he used his teeth to pull his soggy wet glove off his hand and that's when it became loose.  I don't use my teeth for many activities besides chewing so this makes me cringe.  He wouldn't leave it alone and by the time he went to sleep it was really loose.  I had a feeling he would come home with a gap and I was right.

He said before lunch a boy in his class told him to pull it out so he did.  Hmmm OK.  I admire this audacity.  I was always afraid to pull and mine would practically hang out of my mouth.  Once my mom pulled one out by tricking me and saying she was just looking at it and I didn't even know she did it.  

So, next up-the Tooth Fairy.  This is another one of those plot hole filled magical legends that is really hard for me to play along with because it's just so ridiculous.  But might as well enjoy the childhood lack of logic while it last, right?  Too late, I thought it would be pretty cool to leave one of those golden $1 coins with Sakajawea on them.  I know I have some because I got a bunch for high school graduation. But, I have no idea where they are and Justin has some too but he also doesn't know where they are.  They are packed away with our de-cluttered clutter.  It's been almost a year since I saw it.  Not looking forward to getting reacquainted.  

I really felt like I should do something cute since it's his first one so I went on Pinterest and immediately facepalmed.  Too...much...magic...decorative tooth boxes, glitter thrown thank you.  But I did see some fun paper folding techniques for folding money.  There was a really cool fighter jet that looked like a more complicated version of a paper airplane. one dollar that I could find was so wrinkly it just looked terrible so I ended up making a normal paper airplane.  

Special, isn't it?  I can't believe I almost didn't even have a $1 bill for this purpose and I didn't figure it out until 9 p.m.  That was a close one.  I suppose a handful of coins would have been OK too...

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