Monday, April 30, 2018

Draft 2018

It was the NFL Draft over the weekend.  I'm sad to admit that this year I only devoted passing attention to the spectacle.  On Thursday we were driving and I arrive at my destination just as it was starting, we were working at the new house which only has an antennae for TV and it has a weak signal and both Calvin and I ended up at the doctor's office on Saturday morning because I knew I had a sinus infection that was making even my teeth hurt and Calvin was constantly crying and arching his back in pain and it was discovered that he has an ear infection.

I was pretty excited for Saturday because the Tampa Bay Buccaneers had plans to have their real live parrot mascot read their draft pick.  Oh yeah. This is the rounds 4-7 foolishness that I love. The macaw's name is Zsa Zsa and she's one nice looking parrot.  I like the ones with yellow as their main color.

See the source image

How does one become a parrot handler at an exotic bird sanctuary anyway?  Also, doesn't this picture remind you of another often re-shared photo...of me?

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Mexico, 2008...that was a fun time.  Something interesting about this picture is a friend of mine went on a cruise this winter and she posted pictures on FB of her 5 year old holding parrots in front of this same exact background in the same mall.  I REALLY hope those poor birds haven't been spending the last ten years in a mall being held by tourists.  Maybe they get rotated from a sanctuary where they return every day.  HOPEFULLY.

Well, back to the draft...I walked in the door with Calvin after our doctor and pharmacy run just in time to see the Bucs fourth round pic. This was the scene.

Zsa Zsa the parrot is perched on the shoulder of Stephanie Dripps during the Tampa Bay Buccaneers' draft announcement. (Courtesy of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers)

Then...the pirate woman bird handler read the pick. NOT THE BIRD! Well, it turns out the parrot wouldn't cooperate.  Poor bird.  Guess she got stage fright.  In case you were wondering, because I was too buy watching the parrot to listen, the pick was Jordan Whitehead from University of  Pittsburgh.  I had trouble finding him because the google searches all involved the parrot's failure to repeat the name.

Jordan Whitehead

He's a safety with "character issues" which his college coaching staff has been kind enough to keep secret even though he was suspended for three games last year.  His hands are 8 1/2 inches wide and he's 198 pounds in case you were wondering. Best wishes to him anyway!  Everyone makes mistakes (as long as this doesn't involve some type of sexual assault.  I'm so over people excusing that).

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