Monday, September 30, 2013

With a 2x4...

Earlier this summer my aunt was visiting my cousin in Northern MN and the were visiting antique stores.  They felt called to get me this little metal stool. 

It looks simple but is actually quite heavy and solid.  According to the store owner it came from an old doctor's office in Greenbush, MN.  It had been painted a 90's country blue.  I don't remember if we knew we had our new house at the time or not but it worked out because now we have a kitchen peninsula and can use stools and it complements the other industrial style stool I bought earlier this summer before we knew where we were moving.  Sometimes instincts prove to be true and if you really like something you should just go for it! 
I decided I wanted to paint it yellow and Justin took care of it this weekend. 
I like it!  I think a third mismatched stool would be a finishing touch since design usually requires an odd number of items to please the eye unless the display is symmetrical.  No hurry though. 
October starts tomorrow which means a frost is inevitable which means that  will have to find indoor homes for the unreasonable quantity of succulents that are living on our back deck.  They have really taken off since I planted them back in July. 
I love that frosted green pointy one.  I had no idea it would grow like that. 

That tall one on the left is quite interesting too, and it has flowers.   They make me think of plants growing in an exotic fish tank except they don't require any water at all! 

This one grew a little flower! 

Yeah...there are a lot of them...there is another large pot on the deck too.  Fortunately, I have read that they kind of go dormant in the winter so they don't need full sun which is good because we don't have wide window sills and no surface is safe for plants in this house due to a certain wild climbing 18 month old who was very close to climbing out of his crib when I went in to get him this morning.  Oh crap. 
Here is what they looked like when I planted them. 
Regarding inevitable Ben news, today when I was making lunch I turned on the TV (yes, I watch TV when he is around.  I know kids his age are supposed to have 0 hour of screen time every day but I am a human who enjoys news, background noise, and distraction in the form of a censored episode of Sex and the City on occasion).  It was still on PBS, which was playing Sesame Street when we left the house this morning.  I allow Sesame Street as one of the rare "kid" shows that is ever on because I think they are very very annoying and I like to watch the news in the morning.  He shows interest in it which allows me a few minutes at a time of reading the news on the ipad (I just want to know the news kid!  Is that so much to ask?!) and I trust the years of research that goes into making it and consider it quality programming.  And also, I watched it as a kid!  It's good!  I remember learning to count in Spanish from watching it. 

Well, what was on at the moment was the much maligned Barney and his annoying friends Baby Bop an BJ.  I didn't know this crap was still on!  It was a favorite target of vitriol for kids my age when we were in elementary school and was considered too babyish to even consider watching.  A certain skewering of the "I love you, you love me" theme song comes to mind...

"I hate you, you hate me, let's get together and kill Barney, with a 2x4, now he's on the floor, no more purple dinosaur!" 

Whichever 5th grader in 1995 invented that alteration, wherever he or she may be, had a twisted mind but probably ended up successful because they were pretty clever.

And of course, my kid stood enamored with what was in front of him.  It is new and updated and Barney has a new voice that is less doofy but I think kind of creepy.  And it's in razor sharp HD!  Yessss!

Oh damn, I can't let this show be seen again.  I don't want it to become a habit.   

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