Thursday, September 26, 2013

1 Month

Yesterday was the 26th, which means that it has been a month since we moved into our house!  That was fast!  We are mostly moved in except for the dreaded projects that are easy to avoid.  For example, I haven't unpacked my costume jewelry because I haven't really had a reason to wear it.  Oh, I miss those days of bold necklaces and earrings and never worried about them being ripped off by a toddler!  The garage is still in upheaval.  There are still a few items that need to be hung on the wall.  Every week I think I will hang them when Ben is sleeping but of course I don't want to pound nails when he is sleeping so nothing ever gets done. 

Over the weekend we picked out this gigantic clock that I have been wanting to get.  The former owners had one too, although it was in a different spot, and I knew that I wanted one.  They have been featured in magazines for the last few years so I think the idea has been done but I don't care.  I still wanted one!  I found this one at cheapy-cheap Gordman's. 

I liked it because, although cheap, it is actually made of metal and not plastic that looks like metal like many of the other cheap ones I looked at.

Sorry these pictures are not very good.  They were taken with my phone.  Good news, though.  Well, it could have been better news but the good news is that we got a replacement for my computer.  The bad news is that we had to replace it because replacing the broken part on the old one would have cost $400.  Waa-waaaaah...So I would have preferred to pay for the new part and got the old computer back but at least the repair shop is transferring all my crap to the new computer this afternoon then I can start loading it up with pictures again!  YESSSS! 

Allan has adjusted just fine to the new house.  His favorite spot is sitting at the patio door with the glass open.  As soon as he hears the sound of nature he perks up and starts fixating. 

After one month it still isn't getting old!  It is tempting to start letting him out, maybe on a leash to start with (I know, lame) but I don't know.  We worry that he would get too adventurous and we might lose him since he has no experience with being outdoors. 
Also, since it has been a month already I know I need to change the picture on the blog header.  I don't know what to change it too!  I guess I need to take a picture of this house.  Maybe I am subconsciously clinging to the old house...but I know that it's creepy.  I will get around to it soon. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh rm, I wish we lived in the same town so B & H could cause trouble while we decorate your new house!
