Monday, July 22, 2013

OK/TX Trip

You are about to see what everyone always loves to see...other people's vacation photos!  I have been absent for the last week because I was with Justin in Oklahoma and Texas from Wednesday through Saturday.  I arrived in Oklahoma City around 10 p.m. on Wednesday and we drove to Dallas the next afternoon. 

We saw the memorial where the Oklahoma City bombing took place.  It is very nice, I think.  It is hard to imagine the wreckage that was there when the bombing happened in 1995. 

There is a chair for each person who died.  The glass has their name etched on it and at night I guess they light up.  That chair that looks smaller in the middle really is smaller.  The small chairs represent kids who died in the bombing.  The lawn was interesting.  It was like a golf course green as opposed to regular grass.  It was like soft carpet

We drove south to Dallas that afternoon, stopping in Norman, OK, for lunch near the University of Oklahoma campus.  Now that would be one fun place to be young and a student and of a legal drinking age.  There were so many fun places to eat and shop (and drink) in the crowded neighborhoods around the campus.  It made me feel like a student again, except thirty years old, pregnant...yeah never mind. 

We stopped at good old Frisco, that distant Dallas suburb that used to mean nothing to so many North Dakotans and now means something special after the last two years!  The nice but undersized stadium was set up for it's usual purpose of soccer and there was nothing happening there on a Thursday afternoon. 

It is more festive during that first weekend in January, that is for sure! 
On Saturday we toured the Dallas Cowboys' stadium.  I am not very educated about stadiums and I knew this was a nice one but I didn't realize how new it was and how excessive.  The tour guide said that the former stadium could fit inside this one 2.5 times of something like that.  It's huge. 

The whole endzone was advertising space owned by Ford!  You can't see it very well but there were Fords suspended on the beams on either side! 
TIMEOUT!  The royal baby's birth was just announced! It's a boy!  The news says it happened at 4.24 pm and I know England is five or six hours ahead of us so who knows when this really happened but yayyyyyy I have been waiting for this all month!  I have to finish this post so I can stare at CNN for the rest of the afternoon waiting for minute details!
So anyway, that night we went to a Texas Rangers baseball game.  If you have never been to Arlington, the suburb where these stadiums are located, you should know that these two stadiums and also a Six Flags park are all within sight of each other.  Our hotel was right across the street from the Cowboys Stadium.  There was a trolley that picks up guests at various hotels and runs a loop to these attractions.  We took it to the game and walked home because it was so chaotic and we didn't know when it would show up or if we would even fit on it. 

You can see right in the center is an advertisement for Ozarka bottled water, which is the choice brand around there.  I hate to be negative about a vacation but I was so ready to get back home so I could drink a damn glass of water cold from the tap with my own water bottle without having to pay for a bottle.  This is America and I thought water was supposed to be accessible here.  It was hot and everywhere we went they price gouged water.  It only cost $5.00 for a small bottle at the cowboys stadium and $4.50 at the baseball game!  Of course they check your bags so you can't bring your own refillable bottle and drinking fountains are a rare find.  We went to an outlet mall and no one checked my purse for smuggled water but it was not reasonable to buy there either.  I understand that everyone wants to make money but there should be a line somewhere.  Buying a necessity like water would cost more than a ticket for a average family at these places!  So I was really thirsty for most of the trip.  I'll pass, Ozarka, and spend my $5.00 on something that isn't free from a faucet. 

Check out these two foot long hot dogs at the baseball game!  We didn't have one...I chose ice cream served in a mini helmet and diet Dr. Pepper for my overpriced refreshments and Justin had a few Bud Lights for his.  Even though the water situation is annoying it is nice because Dr. Pepper and Diet Dr. Pepper is served everywhere.  Coke and Pepsi are good but Dr. Pepper is a special fountain treat!

Justin took some action shots with our zoom lens at the game.  We had pretty good seats so it was easy to get some good pictures.  We were near third base so there were several foul balls sent our direction.  None in the right spot though!
When we returned to the airport in Grand Forks Ben came running into our arms because he missed us so much.  Just kidding!  Justin's mom set him on the ground and he turned and ran right to the escalators, which he wanted to play with really bad.  When we tried to hold him he squirmed and planked and tried to get away so he could go back to the escalators.  I didn't expect much else I guess! 

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