Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Inevitable Royal Baby Post

Oh yeaahhhh...I love pop culture and news and when the two things are combined it usually means I am interested in whatever is going on!  I have been really interested in when this Royal Baby will be born, even though I am not British.  I was pretty interested in the wedding back in 2011, and was wondering when they would have a baby.  Part of it, I think, has to do with how Will and Kate are close to my age and I have a baby and am in the baby/pregnancy/maternity clothes stage of life and it is fun to share it with them.  It is just like my parents who went through those years at the same time as Charles and Diana.  Ahh, Diana, she will always be a fascinating person to me and a modern royal person to look up to although, after seeing some footage of her as a young pregnant woman and mother that she had some BAD dresses.  There is a famous scene where the family is sitting on a blanket for a photo shoot in a park and...uggghhhh...

Here it is.  Gaggety gag gag.  I know for sure that my mother never wore a dress that bad in the early 80s.  What is worse is remembering that she was twenty one years old in this picture and wearing that monster.  Yikes.  But I forgive her.  I do believe that William and Harry turned out pretty good and I think she was responsible for it. 

Back to the present day and the newest royal baby.  Since the big news of the pregnancy was revealed I have read with interest any articles about the pregnancy, Kate's maternity fashions, and name and gender speculation.  At the end of June Kate made her last public appearance before the final weeks.  Then I started really wondering. The world was waiting as the various rumored due dates came and went.  I have a CNN app on my phone that has alerts for headlines and every one that popped up was a disappointment.  Then, when I woke up on the 22nd it was there...the princess was in labor! 

I was kind of thinking it was a girl for some reason.  Maybe it was just wishful thinking since there will be two kings before this baby rules and it would be nice to have a future queen.  However, some reporter pointed out that it will probably be sixty or seventy years before this baby takes the throne so hopefully I will even see the day! 

I coincidentally turned on the TV yesterday just as they were saying the baby boy would make his debut in minutes!  I had just put Ben in his crib for his nap so it was perfect timing.  I don't need to put a picture on here because everyone has seen it.  They looked happy and protective and Kate looked radiant.  Having given birth I knew how she was really feeling and that she was probably wearing the free mesh underwear from the hospital under that very pretty dress (it looked like a maternity dress and I want it!) but who wants to think about stuff like that?  I really wanted a better look but I could see that they just probably wanted to get it over with.  I saw a reverse shot of that scene this morning and there were actual grandstands filled to the top with reporters and cameras in front of them.  Who would want their poor little one day old baby in front of that?  Also, I know William is not a fan of the media after his mother was killed in a high speed chase with people trying to film her.  What we could see was so cute though!  When I saw his little hands poking out of the blanket I almost squealed!  I can't wait for when they release some fancy official portraits to placate everyone.

Then there is the car seat controversy.  I searched for the picture and it is all over the internet...they didn't actually strap the baby in the seat which is like child endangerment in the eyes of many.  I am not that dramatic about it but I had to wonder why they just didn't do it the right way. The talk has been all about how they are going to be normal parents and that is what all normal parents have to deal with day in and day out for years after having kids. I know nothing was going to happen as they were escorted by a huge security force but jeez...what is going on with that strap?  I guess they can do whatever they want and maybe they just wanted to make a quick exit.  The word is that they have a Britax seat...ugh and we have a frumpy old Graco!  I suddenly really want a Britax...Haha...

Royal baby car seat safety

Speaking of being normal and modern parents, the talk all over TV and online is about how they said they wanted to spend the early weeks taking care of the baby themselves and didn't want to be surrounded by an entourage of nannies and how Kate grew up with her mother around when she returned from school and everyone keeps asking "will they have a nanny?"  Jeez, of COURSE they are going to have a nanny.  And that is fine.  All normal and modern parents wish they had a nanny.  I wish Ben had one!  Having a nanny doesn't have to mean that parents never see their kids or do anything for them!  Maybe it would be nice to have a few hours a day where you could go shopping at Target (this is my life I am referring to, not the life of royalty) without a sixteen month old trying to jump out of the cart the whole time.  Having a nanny sounds normal to me and I don't know who would even speculate.  They are going to have help.  Obviously they will!  They are royalty!  I think they seem like really involved parents who will take care of this baby and whoever comes next, with or without childcare.  They have important things to do, like when Kate smashes bottles of champagne on new ships before their first voyage. 

Now all that is left is to hear the official name (or names, since there will be at least four of them!) The suspense is kind of fun even though I don't know why it has to be kept quiet...what difference does it make anyway?

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