Friday, September 21, 2018

Calvin's Baptism

I don't know about you, but when I hear about Baptism strains of "Borning Cry" swell up in my brain.  We finally had Calvin baptized on the 16th.  Two days after he turned 9 MONTHS OLD.  Don't tell my great grandparents.  They wouldn't be happy to hear about an almost toddler not being baptized yet.  But it's "Nowadays" and no one really thought anything of it.  We got it done before he could walk and he also was able to fit into my old baptismal gown that my grandma made in 1983 which has been worn by a lot of kids at their baptism.  I was 6 weeks old when I wore it.  Good thing it is very voluminous.

In the grand tradition of anything dealing with a 4th kid, we were a big mess the week before the big event.  We had a plumber here for about four hours a few days before because I discovered water coming out of the floor drain in the basement and it turned out the sewer pipe was plugged with tree roots.  So in addition to preparing for Baptism and trying to get the house looking presentable for guests I got to clean that up.  It did not get to the carpet in the living room but on Saturday night I discovered it did seep under the wall in Ben and Milo's closet and everything on the floor of the closet was wet.  Also, I hardly paid attention to how the kids looked before we left the house and it appears Ben had his shoes on the wrong feet. And Tessa covered her shirt in stickers during church.  Whatever.  Then we tried to take a picture in front of the name banner that has been in use since the 90's and I was standing in front of the name.  Nice. 

Calvin was a very nice baby in church.  He was alert but agreeable during the baptism and fell asleep after for the rest of the service.  

Then we changed him into his after party outfit and had a lovely lunch!  It was a nice but very hot day and the church air conditioning barely cut it.  I tried to enjoy the last time I will feel 90 degree air for quite awhile.  

Here is his cake!  Nice work with the writing...don't they have a ruler or something they could use? It tasted good at least. 

Ben was also baptized at this church but there was a different minister and the time and currently the babies who are baptized here get a handmade trunk and a quilt.  The trunk is so nice and lovely keepsake.  And a nice convenient place for me to stash his cards, photos and mementos until it is packed to the top.  

The builder of the trunk told me after church that he would burn Calvin's name and the date into the trunk if we wanted him to.  I delivered it on Tuesday afternoon and he had it back to me two hours later!  What a nice gift!

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