Sunday, January 23, 2011

Poor Plants!

I finally returned home to Bis after more than a month away and it was a huge relief.  I have been missing everything about the house.  I our bright colored towels and my beautiful rug in the living room and the water glasses and everything else.  Besides Allan, there are a few other living things in the house that we are responsible for and I found out that those other things have been completely neglected for the past five weeks.  The plants.  The poor plants!  

There are three of them and they had not been watered since the last time I was here!  Amazingly they don't look too bad!  The one pictured is in the worst shape but it might come back! It looks better in the photo than it did when I discovered it, hanging limp over the sides of its pot.  I have been giving it water and it had some Miracle Gro this afternoon. 

Allan seems to have forgotten me which makes me sad...he prefers Justin and doesn't approach me like he used to.  I'm sure once I am back for good we will eventually resume our old relationship. 

This morning I woke up several hours before Justin and Allan was waiting by the door for him to come out. 

I had a good weekend.  It was a good feeling to get all of the Christmas decorations put away.  In addition to the Christmas tree, nativity scene and other decor, the small selection of Thanksgiving decorations we have were still out.  What a mess it was.  Setting up Christmas decorations is SO much better than taking them down.  It is one of the more anticlimactic aspects of the year I think!  I am embarassed to say that my mom managed to disassemble her Christmas decorations before I did.  For the past few years the Christmas tree at the farm has stayed up long past what could be considered acceptable to most people...OK, all people...

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