Friday, November 16, 2018

Happy Birthday Tessa

Tessa turned 5 yesterday.  I remembered all day what I was doing five years ago.  I was supposed to get induced first thing in the morning and got delayed because they were too busy.  I remember watching high school football on TV, making lunch for Ben, and taking a nap to prepare for a late night if I was able to go to the hospital that day.  They called at 3 p.m. and we pretty much ran out the door to the hospital and I was in the gown 20 minutes later.  And five hours later we had a baby girl!

This year Tessa has realized that other kids have big friend parties and, although we hadn't planned on a friend party, she kept talking about what we were doing for her birthday party and what theme she was having and when it would be.  I felt bad so two days before I invited a few girls from her preschool over.  She had six friends come over for two hours on Thursday evening.  I said not to bring gifts but she got a few presents and the girls played dress up, frosted cookies and sang karaoke and generally ransacked her bedroom and thus, she had her first friend party.

Check out Tessa's cookies floating in a pool of sprinkles.

There was a lot of...excess...once the cookies were packed to bring home so I let the girls eat them with a spoon.

Setting standards low starting in 2018...

Yesterday we planned to go out to eat in Grand Forks for supper at her restaurant of choice (Chinese...yeahhhh!) but their was a sleet storm earlier that day and the roads were really bad so I turned back and Justin brought pizza home.  Grandma and Grandpa came over and we had some cake and opened presents.

Four smiles!  Almost perfect!

Calvin was locked in on me in this whole series of pictures.  Oh, the devotion of a baby!

Tessa got some nice presents including a mermaid tail swimming suit (thank you Amazon), some LOL Surprise dolls (this is a trendy thing we will look back on and thing WTH?) and this Disney Princess collection from Grandma.  

I was really excited to give her this sequin pillow.

The sequin flip to gold.

Here is the mermaid tail.

I took some pics of her wearing it in the tub but the scumminess of the bathtub is too embarrassing to show on the internet.

Oh, my little bald baby.  I would love to have one more chance to hold her as a baby and rub her fuzzy head and listen to her innocent little attitude filled phrases like "I be right back!" and "I need five" (that was what she used to say when she wanted a lot of something but didn't understand numbers yet."

These were taken on her first and second birthday.  Due to the bald head she looks almost exactly the same.  Happy birthday little girl. 

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