Friday, June 29, 2018

I'm Baaaaaack

Hello out there!  Is anyone left to read?  I had to look at my archives to see what my last post was.  It was June 1st, and I said I would be getting the Internet on June 7 at the new house.  Indeed we did but life has been nothing but chaos since then and until two days ago I wasn't even sure where my computer was.  Yes, true story.  It was in my backpack against the wall behind this:

Yes, I know.  It's terrible. The bad news is there are areas like this in almost every room of the house!  And we've been here a month!  It's so overwhelming that each day I think I am going to just pick one thing to deal with and I often just can't face it.  It's a clothes, toys, crap overload and yes, I know, someone is going to say "just get rid of everything" but that's just not how I roll and I've already stripped it down as much as I could.  I finally put my clothes in the closet yesterday.  There have been multiple conundrums and setbacks (furniture wouldn't fit through the door, the boys' bunk beds were too tall for their bedroom and we had to have them welded shorter, we lost the combination for Justin's gun safe and had to have a locksmith call the company so he could open it and replace the guns which were in our closet so we couldn't fit the clothes in, Tessa's and Calvin's dressers full of clothes fit in the opposite know, typical moving problems...not).  

So, here is a very quick update post. Maybe I will elaborate on things later, maybe not. 

Moving...was horrible.  I am still upset about how bad it was.  We packed all of our heavy furniture ourselves until we were on our long couch and our neighbors saw us struggling with it stuck in the front door and insisted on helping.  The house was absolutely trashed and dirty with dust, scum and wreckage from the kids everywhere.  I think I covered in my posts from May how Calvin was constantly crying from ear problems and I wasn't able to do anything above the bare minimum for the last month we were in there.  We left it there planning to return the next weekend before the closing to finish.  Our neighbor/realtor/buyer's father entered the house during that week to turn on our lawn sprinklers and I think he walked around and saw it all and he was shocked to see we had cleaned it up in time.  They were afraid to enter for the walk-through.  It was bad and beyond embarrassing.  We were practically shoveling crap into bags and boxes at the end.  And then the worst part-unpacking it all.  Lord have mercy it has been bad.  If there is a time it is useful to be organized it is during a move.  And I am not.  And I still have no time during the day to do anything because the four kids in the house did not just disappear.  They are still here.  

Here is a funny picture of the kids in a giant box which we filled with toys and it ended up dumped on the basement floor of the new house where most of them still are scattered. 

Allan had a bit of an adjustment period.  Justin drove him because I couldn't face the trip with him "mrrreeeeooooow"-ing for three hours.  Well, Justin let him out of the kennel and he was just fine.  

He snuggled up in a jacket in the passenger seat and slept.  I couldn't believe it.  When they arrived he immediately ran and hid under the couch (the living room had some furniture already because Justin had been living there for a month already).  He stayed there for a long time and I lured him out to show him where his litter box and food was in the basement.  There is an obsolete fuel oil tank in the basement and he ran under it and hid in the corner where no one could reach him and he didn't come out for 24 hours.  Justin even went to the store and bought wet cat food and he wouldn't come out.  I finally came (I was staying at the farm with the kids until we could get their beds set up) and got him to come to me with deli turkey.  I brought him upstairs and we petted him for awhile until he felt more comfortable and after that he started exploring.  Now he owns the place and is doing fine.  

Here a picture of the old living room and eating area after we got it clean.  I don't like to see it.  It makes me sad.  It was a good house on a good street.  

What else has been going on...

We planted our pumpkin patch.  This is me sitting in a loader bucket after Justin raised me up and trapped me there as a joke. Haha.  

Ben played t-ball through the month of June.  It was a good season.  He loved it and got to know the other kids.  He even got to have "batting practice" in the cage at the big diamond on Fridays.  Finally he can move on to actual pitching next year at age 7. 

I got a bike trailer for Mother's Day.  This caused me to verify that I can still, indeed, ride a bike. 

Here are the blasted bunk beds that were too tall for the room.

This is after they returned from the welding shop.  

We've been going swimming a lot.  A family season pass costs barely anything at $75 for the family.  Admission daily is $2 per person so it's definitely a steal. 

This is the water slide they got when they had to remove the diving board in order to get approved for a pool improvement grant a few years ago.  It's not the same but at least they have something.  

More baseball.  

More swimming. 

I went to California last week.  It was my birthday present.  

The trip deserves it's own post.  I'm still in re-entry mode and the first day was a bit rough.  

Just today, I donated blood for the first time.  I tried once back in college and got turned down after I told them I had a cold the week before.  When I was doing to pre-donation interview it turned out they still had my dorm phone number and my parent's old Rural Route address on file.  From 17 years ago!  I used to be afraid to donate but since having kids a needle in the vein doesn't really phase me anymore.  I'm following my dad's example.  They keep track of your donations and he's donated sixty something times!  His goal is to make it to 80.  

No low iron and no passing out=success!

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