Monday, April 9, 2018

Easter 2018

YWe had a nice Easter weekend.  The kids had Monday and Tuesday off from school which gave us a five day weekend.  Tessa had an Easter party at school and came home with these:

These are now turning up everywhere I look.  On the floor, on the table, on the counter, back on the floor, in the entry.  I need to sneak them into the garbage.  Also, sweet mother, the entryway looks like a sandbox.  

We headed to Easter ND for Easter and the weather and conditions were just horrid.  We arrived at the farm and I immediately got stuck in the driveway in the muddiest mudhole I've ever seen.  Usually, an April Easter is more pleasant than a March Easter but this year...ugh.  It was cold as January while also being muddy everywhere.  There was also a winter weather warning for Friday night.  Good thing I was able to travel ahead of it.  

We have always taken the kids to a big public egg hunt (more like grab-no skill involved at this event!) and the two year old hunt was scheduled for 8:30 a.m.  So we get up really early only to arrive and discover it has been delayed two hours because of the weather.  But eventually...

This was after Milo had his turn.  We had Ben and Tessa both go during the 4-5 year old hunt so we wouldn't have to wait around any longer.  He turned 6 less than a month before so...

Off they go!

Be is in the blue and black shirt and Tessa is in the polka-dot pants.  

Milo was starting to lose his composure after waiting for the older kids' egg hunt to start and Calvin was crabby too.  

Here Milo is whining because he wanted to open the eggs even though he already opened his own earlier.  

We had another egg dying session at the farm  that afternoon.  My parents were talking about how when they were kids they did the "blow out" technique where you poke holes at each end of the egg and blow the yolk.  At the church my mom grew up going to the ladies would decorate elaborate eggs every Easter and keep them through the years.  I recall doing this once when I was younger but it was probably 25 years ago.  My dad demonstrated!

It still works!  The key is sticking something like a skewer up one end to break up the yolk before blowing.  

On Easter morning the kids were excited to get their baskets.  Then we went to church and made it at 7:30 a.m.  Amazing!  At the end of the service during the recessional hymn, which was "Lift High the Cross" the minister invited all the kids to the front where they had a basket of small crosses which they could hold up during the refrain.  Milo ran right up there and we were worried he would whack someone but he didn't!  Amazing!

Here is Tessa with her basket.  I didn't get many pictures. 

Ben wrote a note to the Easter Bunny asking if we could hunt for eggs inside.  He said yes.

He's really an artist with those streamers, isn't he?  

In addition to Easter, the weekend also included some birthday fun for...ME!  My birthday was on Wednesday but I had my fun ahead of time.  First I had a cake which is actually a layered pudding desert my mom made.  

Yee haw PARTY TIME!  The kids were not too impressed when I opened my gifts, which included clothes, a coffee mug and some pot holders.  Oh, and a plane ticket to California this summer!  YEAHHH!

I got another cake later in the weekend.  Justin's mom only had the numbers 1, 2, and 6 in candle form so I picked an age...will I be 12?  26? 61? 62? Nope, I'm going to be 21 of course!

Look!  You can see my pajama pants!  I had to change because Justin and I went to Olive Garden for supper (by ourselvessss!) and I got a free desert and I was so full I could barely move.  You can also see Milo peeking over my shoulder.  I don't think I'm fooling anyone.  I couldn't quickly locate a picture from my actual 21st birthday but here is one from May of 2004 when I was newly 21.  

Now why on earth was I wasting my tight and toned legs by wearing pants like that...the world will never know.  

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