Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Spring Catchup

Spring is here!  It's a typical Northern spring, complete with snow on the ground (rapidly melting right now at least) and a rain/snow/sleet weekend sh!tstorm brewing...again.  I was trying to think of something to post about but every day is like groundhog day lately. So here is a quick list of fun happening around here.  It's kind of like the social news of a small town newspaper where you can see who's kid was home visiting from college with their dorm roommate, who hosted bridge and who returned from Arizona that week.

So, earlier this month we were Baptism sponsor's for my cousin's son who was born a month before Calvin.  We travelled to Northern MN for the service and had a nice family get together complete with a four generation photo.

This is when you notice that my 86 year old grandmother is wearing the cutest outfit of all of us.  Look at her, with her non-grey hair...

We got a reasonably nice family picture, if you don't look at the kids' faces.

Two weekends ago I managed to get to the hair salon for the first time since November and I chopped off the stringy situation on my head.

I was pleased as could be when I left the salon.  Of course, after washing it I never could replicate this look again and it is back to it's fuzzy self again but that's OK.  

Calvin turned three months old a few days...oh's already been a week...ago.  He's really starting to enter the "established baby" phase where he smiles and coos and will even lay on his play mat for longer than a few minutes batting at toys.  

He makes funny faces and has some great expressions.

Over the weekend I bought a pack of cheap toothbrushes (for myself) and Milo ripped it open and was carrying them around the house. Ben picked one up one morning and was brushing Calvin's head with it.  I started to make him stop but then I realized Calving was really enjoying it.

He was talking and smiling and seemed very calm.  Who would have thought?

He's so cute these days.  I notice his little stages more than ever because he is the last baby.  

St. Patrick's Day zoomed by with no acknowledgement at our house.  I wore a green plaid shirt and that's about it.  A friend hosted a themed playdate on Friday so we got a fix there and she even made a rainbow out of fruit and that was enough for me.  Tessa said a girl in her class had her house majorly messed up by leprechauns. They had a trap for them at her school and she has had lots of questions about where they live, what they look like, etc. and this myth is so full of plot holes I don't even know how to lie about it.  I'm all for fantasy and childhood magic but the leprechaun thing is one legend I just want to tell the truth about right now.  I don't need to be trashing my own house.  I usually skip right to Easter decorating but all of it is in the storage unit so we've got nothing.  I will overcompensate next year!

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