Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Valentine's Day 2018

Here I sit, surrounded by the wreckage of Valentine's Day.  With two kids in school to have Valentine's Day parties the influx of tiny cards, candy wrappers and little trinkets is bigger than ever this year.  They love it though, so what can I say?  It was a fun day.

Tessa had to make a box for her class party.  Ben's class made bags at school (yessssss) so he only had to bring his cards and candy.  Tessa wanted a Frozen box which was awesome because we have a lovely tube of Frozen wrapping paper in the basement.  It is technically Christmas paper but nothing on it was exclusively Christmas-y so it was perfect.  I tried to cut a few snowflakes with hearts in the patterns but they didn't turn out very good so she got juts plain snowflakes.  She plastered a few stickers at random places on the box and it was done.

She returned from school with lots of fun treats.  She herself chose Disney princess cards and heart shaped Jolly Rancher lollipops which are really delicious.  We practically had to give Milo an intervention because he was so obsessed with them. 

Tessa actually wore that baby headband to school. 

One lovely classmate had a whole bag of fun including sunglasses and a necklace.  

Here is Ben's bag.  I'm not 100% sure what it's supposed to be. 

He chose paper airplane cards.  He came home with lots of cards and candy treats.  He even got a Valentine from a 5th grade girl from the school bus.  So cute.  It was funny seeing the older kids (the older classes made boxes) hiking to school with their various creative ideas.  My favorite I saw was a giant cardboard box decorated like a rubik's cube.  Ben's Lego from the last two years of preschool is still intact in his closet.  Will it see another Valentine's Day? 

Here are my V-day flowers.  

I bought a bunch of Valentine candy the day after at Walmart. There were a lot of those heart shaped boxes left!  Maybe Russel Stover should consider removing those lethal fruit cream chocolate bites!  

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