Friday, January 5, 2018

Christmas 2017

So, before it is too far gone, here is my account of Christmas 2017, which shall now be known as Calvin's first Christmas.  

I took these pictures of the kids with the tree earlier in December with the intent of sharing them and showing off how awesome we are because SOCIAL MEDIA but I never got around to it and they were still on my camera memory card as of today.  They are definitely not perfect but still cute.  Tessa wouldn't wear her Christmas pajamas because they "aren't sooooooft"meaning they aren't fleece material.  

For some reason I couldn't get these two pictures to be centered.  I am getting kind of embarrassed about how out of date my computer skills are these days.  There was a time when I was so good at computers I could remove viruses, so all kinds of system restoration and there was a time in college and grad school where I was one step away from being a hacker due to the lengths my classmates and I would go to in order to remove copyright protections from various types of media.  Now I can barely use Microsoft Word anymore.  I was writing a letter for someone this month and I truly did not know where to find all the old basic commands like changing margins. cute. 

Milo...the weakest link.  

Off to the right you can see part of the junk pile I pushed out of the way to make the tree look all pristine.  

The tree didn't look any better than this.  As the month went on, Allan adopted that armrest as his tree chewing and tampering spot so there was a big gaping hole in the tree there.  

Here is Ben on Christmas Eve, taking inventory of the gifts under the tree.  We have never been home in our own house for Christmas so everyone sent gifts to us so it was pretty crazy.  

Justin's parents came for Christmas and we proceeded as usual with church (Milo was terrible), supper and present opening.  

Somehow we have acquired a tiny santa hat which has never fit on anyone's head before.  It finally got its chance!

Milo was not agreeable to taking a sibling picture either...

Finally present time!

Ben received several lego sets, including a large airport and matching air show hangar.  They kept him busy all day.  

Here is Tessa playing with some Shopkin's thing.  It's a high school with little accessories like a basketball hoop, lockers and tiny books and food. She picked a very nice Christmas day outfit which included a sundress from this summer.  

Calvin wasn't forgotten this year even though he wasn't supposed to have been born yet on Christmas!  It was pretty nice not having to worry about going into labor!

Allan was indifferent about his first Christmas every where he hasn't been alone in the house for days.  We dressed him up in an elf costume which is a dog size Medium so that indicates how overweight he is.  

We also have a Santa hat with ear holes and a beard attached but he would not keep it on his head even for a second.  Once again...the pictures are not centered.  Oh well.

After Calvin was born and named I quickly ordered him a matching Christmas stocking even though I knew it would not come in time.  I just wanted it done and maybeeee they were discounted too.  It came New Year's Eve and I took a few pictures before I packed everything up on the 2nd.  I am not opposed to leaving decorations up until the twelve days of Christmas have passed but these days I take an opportunity when I can and Ben was at school and Milo was sleeping so I got busy.

He's still so tiny!  

What a nice present he was!

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