Monday, October 9, 2017

Happy 2nd Birthday Milo!

Milo turned 2 on Saturday.  I still kind of shake my head in wonder at the turn of events the night of his birth.  No one probably recalls details, but I say that because I was supposed to be induced like I had been with the other two kids but actually went into labor on my own and had to go to the hospital in the night after calling the neighbors for help with the kids and when I got there I was already 7 cm dilated.  

We were at the farm on Saturday for combining but Milo got a little party with his cousins.  Ben even missed the main event because he was in the tractor too.  Busy guy!  Milo was so cute.  He was like a little gracious guest of honor.  He sat grinning in front of his cake and didn't try to plunge his hands into it. 

He tried to blow out his candle but he was mostly just putting his face in it so I blew it out quick so he wouldn't burn himself.  

When he opened his gifts he clapped and grinned over each thing.  

He received the trucks shown above, a stuffed Mickey Mouse (he calls it "Ka-Key"), a pop up book, a toy garbage truck with little garbage action figures (think "Shopkins" but marketed toward boys...weird I know but all three kids love it) and a sleeping bag to match the ones Ben and Tessa have.  They like to play with theirs and he has been starting to show interest in them.  These gifts were all from my family members but we had ordered a present for him which, thanks for nothing Amazon Prime, got delayed in transit. It was sitting on the step when we returned last night.  He can get it next weekend at his second party.  Daddy and Ben didn't let him down though and picked out a present for him on Saturday.  His own combine!

We have a lot of toy combines in this house but not this size yet.  We saved it to open when Ben was there.  

Then he had to show his bro how to use his new sleeping bag.

It's crazy but Milo is the first kid in the family to celebrate their second birthday without a baby sibling hanging out nearby.

Ben had little 4 month old Tessa celebrating with him and Tessa had newborn Milo.  I couldn't find any pictures of him and her together from her birthday when she was 2 but I had to share a picture.  She looks a lot like Milo!

Hmmm...that duplo cake...I should have mixed up a different color for the frosting.  Mauve is nice but not exactly fun and whimsical for a 2 year old...

Milo had his 2 year appointment this morning.  The time was 10:20 a.m. and Tessa is done with preschool at 11:30.  One would think that even on a busy day this window of time would be enough to fit in a routine well child appointment.  Well, after doing the initial weigh and measure I sat in the exam room until 11:00 a.m. waiting for the doctor.  I went out and told them I had to leave in ten minutes and they said, "oh, she's still with another patient" so I had no choice but to leave without finishing the appointment which would have taken minutes since he's healthy I rarely have any concerns to talk about.  They called this afternoon to reschedule and, given that you apparently have to set aside a whole morning to see a doctor in this town due to delays and overbooking (this regularly happens to me at my OB appointments too) the next available time is in the middle of November.  To say I am annoyed with the overbooked, understaffed, overcrowded nature of EVERYTHING in this town is an understatement.  You can barely find a cashier in a store, restaurant workers run around like lunatics trying to keep up with packed tables, every school has portable classrooms, the desk at Tessa's preschool is now staffed by a fingerprint scanner and to actually talk to a live person about anything beyond the teacher's business (payment, paperwork) you have to call a different building where no one ever answers on the first call and you always have to leave messages.  To sign a kid up for an activity or lessons you have to be on the phone speed dialing like an idiot or sitting at your computer hitting refresh the morning registration opens.  The phone at our pharmacy rings and rings and cancelling a prescription takes multiple calls and a lengthy navigation through a robot menu. The car lines at drive up windows at banks wind around the building and it's never the quick and convenient stop you are looking for. It's just really annoying.  But at least I got to see how much he weighed which is 27.5 pounds.  It's not an above average weight but I'm certain he weighs a lot more than either of my other kids.  I think Tessa weighed that much at her 3 year appointment.  They gave me his length in centimeters (is this not America?) but I saw on the ruler he was about 34 inches.

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