Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Fall Flavors

Well, Labor Day has passed.  This means it would be time to shift to a fall oriented wardrobe but my wardrobe doesn't fit so nothing to worry about there.  I am looking forward to wearing fall and winter clothes and shoes only because I have some acceptable maternity options for those seasons and I just want to cover it all up.  But, alas, the temps are in the 80's as far as the forecast reaches (fifteen days on my Weather Channel app).  There is always a different feeling in the air when September comes anyway, regardless of the temperature.  That is why, while shopping with only Milo this morning (freeeedooommm!) I found myself tossing various limited edition fall flavored items in the cart. 

Everyone makes a big deal over pumpkin spice lattes from Starbucks, which I actually don't know much about even though holding a cup of Starbucks coffee is an established part of the mom running around Target in gym clothes stereotype.  Spending $4-$10 or more a day on beverages just isn't my chosen way to indulge myself.  A $7.00 24 pack of Diet Dr. Pepper for the month and a huge box containing hundreds of Keurig pods from Amazon is more my caffeine consumption style. This morning, I first saw the pumpkin spice non-dairy creamer so in the cart it went.  Then I saw the pumpkin pie flavored English muffins, which I know from experience are good. 

Then, along I went to the seasonal displays thinking maybe I could find some deeply discounted art supplies or backpacks (I know Ben won't want Paw Patrol forever!) in the back to school section.  As an experienced shopper, I should have known it would be already taken down since school started here two weeks ago and there are no bordering states nearby with an after Labor Day start.  It was, in fact, in the process of being replaced by the Halloween display (and you know the first boxes of Christmas lights will be shoved in the corner too!)  Hardly anything was set up yet but there were some aisle ends with candy and I immediately noticed M&M's.  I remembered last year I had tried some pumpkin spice M&M's and I then remembered they weren't very good and I shouldn't buy them. BUT...what was that dark colored package?

They did NOT!  Oh, yes, they did.  Oreo M&M's.  Where have these been all my life?  Hopefully they become a regular product.  My true seasonal favorite flavor of M&M's, the candy cane ones that come out at Christmas, really are only around at Christmas although I don't know why because mint is always good with chocolate.  But Oreos are not exclusively associated with Halloween or any other holiday.  I will do my part of buying a lot of these so the company knows there is a demand. 

As I write this, it is 80 degrees outside, I already have sickened myself eating half a bag of Cookies n' Screeeem M&M's and I have a cup of coffee with some pumpkin creamer mixed in sitting next to me.  Summer does officially last until the 22nd, after all.  It's almost time to go out and meet the bus, which might be delayed because Trump is in town to give a speech about tax reform at an oil refinery.  It's invite only and I didn't get one.  Oh, darn. 

Our Labor Day weekend was fine.  We went to the first Bison game which was a huge blowout with a final score of 72-7.  A snooze-fest if there ever has been one.  We set up the bouncy house pool on Sunday and Milo amused himself by throwing pumpkins in it repeatedly. 

Kind of a strange sight...swimming with pumpkins. 

Having Milo at a game was challenging.  He is not at an age where he will sit still or pay attention to anything.  At least people started walking out after the first quarter when the score was 30-0 already so there were plenty of extra chairs around.  He was pretty good at tailgating. 

In this picture he was smiling at me and just as I was ready to take the photo a dog walked by so that is what he is excited about. 

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