Tuesday, August 15, 2017

It's A...

So I had my ultrasound on Friday.  It was kind of a stressful morning because it was really early and we had to take all three kids with us.  When we took Ben to my ultrasound for Tessa he was around 16 months old and he and Justin had to leave the room after the tech showed obvious irritation with him being there because he was opening an empty cupboard under the sink.  She wasn't the most good humored tech we have encountered.  With Milo's ultrasound a friend offered to watch the other two so that was very lovely.  This time...it was so early in the morning I couldn't imagine asking anyone to take on the burden. 

Surprisingly, they were really good.  Ben and Tessa sat quietly and watched the screen and Milo sat in his stroller and ate Cheerios and was content until the last few minutes.  We decided to find out the sex this time (the biological part...every intellectual knows gender is a social construction!  DUH!  Every online birth board has a know it all who is glad to point that out!) and had a plan to reveal it with these fireworks which we bought after the 4th of July. 

This wasn't a plan that had a lot of thought behind it.  I saw them advertised on a fireworks stand's facebook page over the 4th of July weekend and we stopped at that store and they had them in stock still.  So back to the ultrasound...the tech was an intern and she seemed to know her stuff but at the end she said she was going to ask a coworker to come in and confirm a few things.  It turned out she was confirming the sex/gender/whatever you want to call it.  We had an envelope with a sheet of paper with boy and girl written on it for the tech to circle. 

As we reviewed the details after the appointment, we were unsure.  When she turned the screen to check that "area" she said "Oh, there it is" which kind of made us think it was a boy.  But the girl details are not as obvious so that would explain the double checking from the coworker. 

We waited until that night at the farm with our parents and my brother's family to light the fireworks.  Justin wanted to be the one to know first and light it but my brother ended up doing the honor.  And...

Yay!  Fireworks don't photograph well usually so if you are not quite sure since you didn't see it in person...

It's a girl!  Although when people asked the answer was always, "I'll be happy either way!" I had an underlying desire to have a girl so we would have two of each and so we could revisit the cute collection of girl clothing and accessories we have been hoarding in boxes.  Also, the boy clothes are looking a little rough.  I really would have been happy either way but it was definitely a special moment to see that first pink trail shoot into the sky. 

We then lit the blue one and it wasn't a very vivid blue.  It actually looked white.  If I saw it I would have wondered what color it was exactly so I'm glad the pink one was the main event. 

On a serious note, the biggest relief after an ultrasound is always seeing everything as it should be in there.  And everything was just fine.  No repeats for positions making it hard to see certain things, nothing to be concerned about physically and the baby was a good size and the due date is on track.  No one told me what it was going to be officially but the paperwork said December 27th which I have been told the 28th so not much difference at all.  The 27th is my dad's 60th birthday! 

I admit I'm a bit worried about a Christmas Eve/Day delivery mostly due to childcare chaos since our moms run the show on Christmas and no neighbor or friend is going to be thrilled to have three rambunctious kids showing up in the middle of their parties.  Hope for the best...hope for the best...

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