Sunday, February 5, 2017

Movie Day

I've been missing this last week...and that is because we haven't done anything interesting!  Nothing!  Justin is still recovering and eating only soft foods although he's ventured out of the house a few times.  But this weekend...oh, has it been wild.  We went to McDonald's on Friday night to break up the monotony.  It was packed with people and they accidentally deleted our order so it took 20 minutes to get our food.  That was fun.  But...the night was salvaged when we stopped at the grocery store (not Wal-Mart...a real grocery store!  Eeeeeh!) to restock some necessities and as I was walking out the door I saw this...

Two heaping baskets of rejected Christmas candy canes!  I turned back to the teenaged cashier and asked if it was for real and he assured me it was. 

Justin was rolling his eyes big time when opened the car door and dumped six boxes of candy canes onto the seat but I already crushed up one box and baked some white chocolate chip peppermint cookies so it was so worth it!

On Saturday I left Milo at home with Justin and took the older two kids to the movie theater.  It was Tessa's first movie so I was kind of nervous.  We saw the newest Disney movie "Moana" which was really good.  Those Disney movies rarely disappoint.  It's been out since Thanksgiving so the theater wasn't very full which was good.  I saw posters for this movie all around the theater and we also saw the trailer before Moana...

That baby looks a lot like Milo!  I'm kind of excited to see it! 

I enjoyed Moana a lot even though the songs weren't as instantly catchy like some of the other show tunes in Disney movies.  I'm talking about you, Lion King! Moana takes place in some "old days" time period in Polynesia on a fictional island.  A few years ago I read the book "Hawaii" by James Michener which contains a fictional but historically based account of how Polynesian explorers discovered and inhabited Hawaii by exploring the ocean with only the stars and the currents to guide them and a lot of aspects of Moana are similar to what happened in "Hawaii" the book.  I would recommend "Hawaii" by the way.  It spans the long history of Hawaii from the Polynesians to the missionaries and Chinese and Japanese people that settled there and how different crops were brought to the island all the way up to Pearl Harbor. 

Image result for moana

Of course no Disney movie is complete without animal sidekicks!  These particular ones didn't talk.  The ocean was so beautiful in the movie it made me long for a beach!  That won't be happening for awhile!  Not the ocean anyway!

This was taken before the movie started.  Tessa is so small she could barely keep the seat of her chair weighed down but she seemed comfortable enough.  In the last half hour they both were asking how much was left but they sat and watched until the end and it was a bit over two hours long so I was happy about that. 

The Superbowl is tonight of course, and we aren't doing anything.  I will be happy if I get to focus on any of it with out trying to drown out yelling, fighting or incessant demands for my attention.  At least I've got some delicious candy cane cookies to eat.

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