Monday, October 17, 2016


Milo recently turned one, which is a traditional time to get some professional photos taken.  I had them done for Ben but not for Tessa ( I had a photo session with a photographer when she was seven months old and also when she was ten months old we had a family session at the farm) and I kept thinking about it.  I didn't want to pay the price for an expensive photographer like we did for Milo's newborn pictures.  I saw an email from the JCPenney studio with the current discounts and decided to go for it. 

I wasn't sure about JCP.  I went there for Ben's one year old pictures and the photographer on schedule that day was seriously obnoxious.  Like she had this deranged laugh and laughed about everything.  Also, the background selection was mostly made up of the old fashioned "dappled sheet" variety that most people are over by now.  They were really slow with releasing the pictures to me even though they were digital copies. I scheduled the appointment.  And, I have to say, I was impressed!  They have updated their backgrounds since 2013 and instead of having you wait for a cd that you pick up two weeks later they email you the digital photos within hours of the session.  Instant gratification for the win!  It also helped ALOT that the kids actually smiled at the same time.  I am shocked by this.  Every time I've taken Ben and Tessa to a photographer they usually both look at the same time but have bland expressions on their faces or they are smiling but not at the same time. 

What do you know...

Milo didn't look perfect in every photo but he's still a baby so he can get away with it. 

I love how the plaid clothing looked too.  I made Tessa's little infinity scarf and I'm really glad I spent the ten minutes with the sewing machine to do it because it adds a lot to her look. 

I never thought I would pick this camo background but when I saw it on the list of options I thought...hey, why not?  This is just for fun anyway!  It works with his flannel shirt.

Tessa is in an awkward hair stage right now and, although I tried to keep it nicely arranged, it looked kind of weird in several pictures.  They are endearing to me though. 

So there you have it.  It was totally worth it and I would actually go back to JCP again.  And I will be, most likely, because I fell for their racquet and purchased a two year membership (which was the same as the sitting fee so when I bought it they waived the sitting fee so it cost the same!  What  deal!).

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