Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Crazy Pumpkin House

We have managed to distribute almost all of our pumpkins.  We ended up doing three pickings and Justin drove a heaping load home along I-94 in the box of his pickup and it actually went fine although I didn't want to be driving behind him...

We shared with the neighbors, friends I know from my MOPs group, friends from Ben's preschool, and Justin's co-workers.  On the day he drove the loaded box to work a United Way person was there and we have donated a large quantity to them.  With what was left, we decided to do this:

Is this weird?  Kind of.  Is it awesome?  Yes.  For sure. 

And it gets better!  If you want a tutorial, here it is:  Get a drill and some metal posts or rods and drill holes in the top and bottom of the pumpkin and stack them on.  Easy!  And they will remain appropriate decorations until Thanksgiving! It will be fun cleaning them up when Christmas time comes but TOO BAD.  I learned last year that the arm on the garbage truck is stronger than I thought it could ever be!  We might have to stagger our dumpster filling over several weeks this year. 

A nice picture with fall colors in the tree and in the grass. 

Remember when I said that several people who took pumpkins were going to bake with them?  Well, this morning a preschool friend presented me with a pumpkin pie!  Made with fresh pumpkin! 

Oh yeah.  I need to get some cool whip first.  Justin is going to love this.  He loves pie. He used to have pie for his birthday cake.

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