Wednesday, April 16, 2014

So THAT"S the Problem...

This morning was yet another beautiful mid-April day with a lovely high of 30 degrees, flakes of snow sporadically falling and a biting wind.  When I was out this morning and the wind was blasting poor Tessa in the face because I removed her car seat cover last week and the blanket wouldn't stay situated I was about to lose it.  It doesn't need to be said that everyone has had ENOUGH of this
SH!T weather! 
Then, I realized as I was pulling into my driveway, that it might be all my fault.  I noticed that this hokey, Americana door hanging that was a castoff from my mom is still hanging on the door.  And it says "Winter Welcome". 
I also have a "Let it Snow" one somewhere but I already blamed a previous bad winter on that one.  This one is facing the street for all to see.  Winter, you are not welcome anymore. 

I have an Easter sign but somehow the month escaped me and I never took out my Easter decorations.  This is a shame because I love Easter and the spring optimism that it brings.  Jeez I am so lazy.  At least Ben and Tessa are too young to remember that year that I forgot about Easter until the week before it was happening and still had a Winter Welcome sign on the door and a Valentine's placemat on the dining room table in the middle of April. 

I don't think I have a door decoration for the time between Easter and the return of fall.  I will have to get a nice springy wreath or some sort of 4th of July thing to hang there. 

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