Monday, March 24, 2014

March Madness

Aaahhh...March Madness.  The time when college basketball fans and those who rarely watch college basketball (me) speculate, fill out brackets, good naturedly taunt each other and obsess over ESPN.  One year when I was in law school Facebook had a bracket challenge where groups of friends filled out brackets and I was in several pools and was actually in the lead for awhile based only on my instincts and the advice of my brother (who practically learned to read by obsessing over stats as a child).  This year I had reason to care since NDSU made it!  And they won their first game in a widely covered upset! 
While most current and former North Dakota residents were watching these games and swilling drinks with friends at bars or watch parties I watched both of them at home alone with my kids.  OK...sad sack parenting whine over.  At least it gave me an excuse to dress them in their NDSU clothes.  The following photos are in no particular order. 

I went and bought Ben some new shoes on Saturday morning. 

In this picture he was saying "Bison!" while pointing at the logo on Tessa's dress.
On Saturday I also decided to take out the good old exersaucer which gave Ben hours of entertainment during his first year of life and tipped the scales of our old living room from moderately baby oriented to a complete crazy baby gear nightmare.  Our current living room already looks like a nightmare due to Ben's toy takeover combined with the baby crap that is already in here so now the room is absolutely unlivable yet we are still living here! Oh well, it won't be forever.  Soon she will outgrow the more babyish equipment.  And, of course...babies don't keep...babies don't keep...babies don't keep...please stay sane...babies don't keep...
She gets a kick out of it and Ben is rediscovering the fun as well.  He likes to tell me to put her in there and then he brings his toys over and plays with her 

Here he is trying to put his miniature Thomas trains in her hand. 

Here they are in Ben's sleeping bag that he has been dragging around the house.  They watched the game in it for awhile.

Awwwww...look at that cute little baby boy with a pacifier!  He looks like he really needs it to sooth himself. 
As the game went on I resorted to drastic measures to get Ben to leave me alone:  an Air Buddies (series of Disney movies starring five golden retriever puppies) movie on the portable dvd player and a bowl of M&Ms. 

As we all know, NDSU lost so the madness is over for me since I have completely lost track of what is going on now. 

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