Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Birthdays and Shots

I know Ben's birthday is in the past now but I never shared any pictures since we were gone right after.  I made him a cake that wasn't up the standards of my "Allan" shaped cake from last year but he really liked it.  The main reason he liked it was because of the construction vehicle that it presented!  I loved it because it had Oreos all over it.  I got the idea from Pinterest.  Of course, that one didn't have frosting unevenly smeared around the bottom but oh well. It tastes the same, right?  And it was homemade frosting! 

He actually ate his cake this year!
Here he is with his "fishes" that he got in the mail from his cousins. 
He got to have another party with Nana and Grandpa when we got back. 

He got these two Caterpillar machines that make noises and he loves them.  He has been sleeping with them!

He got another cake!  Spoiled little boy! 

Justin polished off the cake on Monday night and Ben still is walking over to the fridge and saying "cake!" and he started talking about cake again when he saw the #2 candle sitting on the window sill. 
Tessa had a big morning...she had her four month doctor's appointment and had shots.  She wanted to show off her neon band aids because they match her shirt! 


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