Monday, December 2, 2013

Thanksgiving 2013

We had a nice Thanksgiving weekend (which didn't include any shopping!).  The weekend started slow because our furnace malfunctioned and first didn't produce any heat so the house was 58 degrees.  A repair person came and after he left it was on and soon I realized it was REALLY on and it was getting hot even though the thermostat said 70 degrees.  Our weather station showed that it was in the upper 70s and eventually in the 80s and the repairman wasn't able to come back until after 7 p.m. when we had hoped to be long gone from here and not sitting around sweating in an 86 degree house. 
We didn't make it to our destination, my parents farm, until very late at night but it was worth it to wake up at "home" for Thanksgiving and be able to watch the parade on TV and do all the holiday things I have always done.  I have always looked forward to Thanksgiving even though it doesn't have the hype and excitement of Christmas.  We always had fun.  We got together with relatives and if we were at the farm we would pay outside and sled and snowmobile if it was snowy.  If we were not at the farm we would go to a movie or play games.  We always did a Christmas related craft project.  If it was my dad's side, my Grandma brought the kids a present which was always a Christmas ornament.  One year my basketball team went to the state tournament and there was so much excitement and hype in the days before and after the event that I forgot about Thanksgiving until I realized that we didn't have school the next day on Wednesday.  That was a great surprise!
Tessa met her three surviving great grandmothers over the weekend. 
Tessa and Great Grandma Dorothy.

Tessa and Great Grandma Phyllis.

I finally wrangled my mom and grandma into taking a four generation photo.  I always meant to do this with Ben and never got around to it.  It is possible on my dad's side as well and unfortunately my grandfather died before we could get a photo with him and my dad and Ben and I so I want to try to get them taken while possible.  Although I look seven months pregnant in this photo I am still glad I have it.  And, I must add, that I did indeed wear jeans over the weekend so it is not as bad as it looks!

Here is Tessa with Great Grandma Irene.  We visited her on Friday. 

The first of many Thanksgivings!   

On Saturday it was a still day and not too cold...a perfect day to light a huge fire in the front yard and burn a bunch of stuff!  My dad and Justin and my brother started a bonfire to burn several piles of bulldozed trees, some junk from around the house yard and some old furniture from my grandma's basement.  Ben had fun "helping" the men. 

Look at that inferno!  Grandpa Tim can really start a blaze!

Now that it is December it is a fun time of year for little kids...Christmas pajama time!  There are few things cuter than little kids and babies in Christmas pajamas.  I bought Ben some last winter on clearance. 

They have a reindeer on the side that you can't see.  Tessa has a pair as well that are size 3 months.  They should fit in no time. 
I tried to take some pictures for a Christmas card on Sunday.  I was able to use a few pictures although it was not easy getting Ben to cooperate and sit still next to his sister for a few seconds.  I am not going to share many of them because I don't want to spoil the Christmas card!  Here are their outfits that they wore. 

Ben...I think you are too big for that chair!  Your sister is not happy that you are doing that!

She says, "Ben!  Get out of my chair!"
Tessa had her two week appointment this morning.  She weighs 9 lbs. and 15 oz.  She has gained more than two pounds since leaving the hospital.  The doctor said she wants to see babies at least gain back their birth weight in two weeks so she is doing great!  This is such a relief to me after worrying about Ben's slow gains.  Once he passed the newborn phase it took him months to gain two pounds so I am enjoying this while it lasts.  He is starting to eat more like a big kid and gain more too so hopefully I can put the weight gain worries aside for awhile. 


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