Thursday, June 20, 2013

Peony Season

Ahh...I wish it would last longer.  They are so vibrant and beautiful in their prime blooming days.  We have two plants here.  We used to have many peony bushes in an overgrown flower bed that Justin could not live with, so they were removed in 2010 although I protested.  They were all different shades of pink, from almost white to deep magenta.  He kept two and transplanted them after the blooming season had passed so we didn't know which colors we had. 
I love this bright pink one. 

The other one is a light pink. 
  I guess this one was a bit ahead in blooming because the flowers were starting to spread out. I like the darker pink color better but for some reason the light one is more fragrant. 

I believe the next flowers to bloom will be the day lilies and asiatic lilies. 
I am dissapointed and disturbed to announce that the mice in the garage managed to eat the peanut butter off the traps without releasing them . What the H3LL...I have seen this happen with cagey and experienced farm mice but I thought these lazy drawer living rodents would be easy targets. 

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