Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Sun Came Out...

After a few days of almost continuous rain the sun was finally shining so I went outside as soon as I could (as soon as Ben fell asleep for a nap) and did this...

And that's not even all of them!  I placed a few before I took the picture!

I couldn't watch those poor plants sitting in their trays from the greenhouse any longer.  The petunias are still waiting because I need Justin's help to make the flower towers but otherwise I went crazy.  Last fall Justin's mom gave me a garbage bag full of planters of various shapes and sizes.  I had to restrain myself and make sure that just because I HAVE approximately twenty-five planters does not mean I have to fill them all at this moment.  As much as I would love our deck and front steps to be just covered with plants I have to leave some space out of consideration for the mail carrier (the box is attached to the house and they deliver on foot).
I also have to restrain myself from squeezing too many plants in each pot.  It is hard when they look so spindly and sparse during the first weeks.  Every year, though, I find several plants that have withered because they have been overgrown by the others. 

Hey, anyone want to play a game?  This is a challenge every spring.  It is called, "Is That a Weed or a Perennial?" 

In another week the question should be answered.  I identified a lily plant for sure and that large one that is filling out is not a weed although I don't remember what it is exactly. 

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