Friday, April 26, 2013

Draft 2013

The NFL draft started last night!  It crept up on me this year and all of a sudden it is here!  Time for a new group of NFL Players that I have been, until now, mostly unfamiliar with because I don't really follow college football except the Bison of course and it would be a rare occasion to find a Bison player in the early rounds of the NFL Draft.  Also it is time for me to scrutinize these players for completely superficial reasons such as their appearance, neck circumference and uniqueness of their names! 

First of all, the MN Vikings, which I would consider a favorite team since they are the most popular based in this area, got three first round picks because of various trades of picks so that was exciting.  One was Cordarrelle Patterson, who I would probably vote for in the best hair category.  He had his braids arranged into some sort of elaborate updo so his hat barely fit on his head.  Also, I love how he and most of the other players were practically busting out of their suit jackets. 

I saw several bow ties.  Are they in style again? 

Xavier Rhodes was another Vikings pick.  He seems like a class act.  I can't help but compare him to know, Steve Urkel, a hugely popular TV character from the 1990s show "Family Matters?"  Except, of course, much much more of  a stud and not even close to as annoying and with much better clothes.  And he probably outweighs Urkel by about 120 pounds.  And he's in the NFL now!

The best name of the night was certainly Barkevious Mingo.  Yeah...that's one you probably won't find in the baby name book! 

Also a stud...

For the cutest player, I initially thought I liked Luke Joeckel, the second round pick. 
I wasn't really sold is hard to top the exhuberant grin of Robert Griffin, III from last year's draft.  By the way, I looked at his Wikipedia and he is engaged to this girl who is his college sweetheart...
I expected a model type person but she is actually quite average (in a good way).  She looks like a girl someone would meet in college!  How sweet is this?  After hearing interviews with RGIII during the season I realized that he is not only a good player but also has a brain.  He is definitely a role model for all the young kids out there! 
Back to the draft...I was going to establish Luke Joeckel as my vote for cutest until...until...I found out that Chris Long's brother was in the draft!  Yiiiikes!  I was a giggly mess after that.  Oh, his name is Kyle Long...and he doesn't have the cleanest past.  He got a DUI and had some academic problems at his first college in Florida where he was going to be a star athlete and had to take some time off and then play at a community college before ending up playing for the Oregon Ducks.  Good job on overcoming the substance abuse issues rebuilding the career, Kyle. 
Check this is a high school photo of Kyle Long.  He and Chris (and they have another brother!) played for St. Anne's-Belfield and this is what their uniforms looked like...
STAB...hehehe.  How intimidating are those initials?
Of course, the best part of the night was watching the excitement and teary mom thanking and especially the thrill when a player was picked higher than they expected.  Rounds two and three are tonight but we won't be home.  We will be heading to the NDSU spring game tomorrow to get a light tailgating fix to hold us until fall.  I can't wait.   The sun is finally shining and the weather feels like spring.  I forgot how exhilarating the 70s can feel after missing those temperatures for months. 

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