Wednesday, March 27, 2013

If I Don't See You...Happy Easter!

Here we are in Holy Week, the week behind Palm Sunday and Easter.  I love Easter and the symbolism of rebirth and new life that comes with it.  Although, around here the standard images of green grass, tulip bulbs popping from the mud, new white dress shoes on little girls and frolicking baby animals in reality are replaced with full snow cover, single digit morning temperatures and occasional winter storm warnings.  This year I can actually see my lawn which is nice I guess.  Oh well, we don't need green grass to remember that "He is risen indeed!"

I love Easter.  I can't wait to do fun traditions with my children like we did when I was a kid like following scavenger  hunts around the house looking for our Easter baskets and eating some Easter candy discreetly during church.  Sometimes my cousins would be visiting and we would celebrate my birthday along with my Grandfather's birthday.

Oh look, I have photos of such and Easter...looks like about 1993 judging by the ages, gross perm/poodle bang hair and nautical spring jackets my sister and I are wearing.  Yikes.

Wooohooo!   Partaayyy!  I wonder what shape of cake we had?
  We also would bring a small tree branch in from outside and decorate it with eggs and other Easter related miniature ornaments.  I will save that one until I have children who actually enjoy it.  So far the child I have prefers holiday decorations strewn about on the floor. 

So, if I don't get on here before then everyone have a happy Easter from everyone at our house including Allan! 

Hehe this picture is an old classic.  Poor kitten.  He puts up with alot!

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